Thursday, 7 March 2013

Orthorexia Nervosa
The term ‘Orthorexia’ was first coined in 1997 by Dr. Steven Bratman. The combination of the Greek words ‘orthos’ meaning correct or right and ‘orexis’ meaning appetite gives the lose definition of correct eating; prior to coining the term Bratman previously referred to Orthorexia as “righteous eating”. Predominantly, the primary focus is eating healthy food. In addition to healthy eating, it is purported that orthorexics “obsess” over the quality of the food they eat more than the quantity.

Not uncommon to many ‘diet plans’, the orthorexic places high importance on large quantities of fruit and vegetables in his eating plan, but often will fixate on eliminating what he deems ‘bad’ foods; with some sufferers trying to completely eliminate fat, sodium and carbohydrates from their diet. Dr Bratman affectionately refers to orthorexics as ‘health food junkies’, unfortunately this rather tongue-in-cheek term does little to relay the seriousness and potentially life-threatening nature of the disorder.