Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Body Image Dissatisfaction and Disordered Eating

An eating disorder is any form of disordered eating ranging from not eating to binge eating and purging, with numerous variations falling in between these extremes.

There is a profound preoccupation with food and anxiety related to food and eating.

This site is dedicated to the male perspective on this historically 'female' illness. Body image dissatisfaction is an important predictor of disordered eating habits among males.

An adolescent's body image is based on his perception. His perception of how he is viewed by others, in conjunction with his own evaluation of how attractive/unattractive his physique appears is integral in creating a sense of body image satisfaction/dissatisfaction. Adolescence is the time in the young male's life when he is most likely to develop dissatisfaction with his physique - giving rise to a poor self-esteem.

Males that develop disordered eating patterns are more concerned with toning and defining the physique than with actually losing weight.
Disordered eating habits, including Muscle Dysmorphia and Body Dysmorphic Disorder are directly related to physique enhancement and by default - Body Image Dissatisfaction.

It is alarming to note that eating disorders can manifest from as young as six years old. The eating disorder is a biologically based mental illness and fully treatable with a combination of nutritional, medical and therapeutic support.

It is imperative to add here that eating disorders are not a result of overbearing mothers or absent fathers, sexual trauma or child abuse, a fear of their sexuality or a need for control.

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